So many times I will attempt to bring to light, through both my broadcast work as well my my occasional internet postings, issues of justice, because as a Satanist, I have an extremely inflated sense of what is just and lawful. I am familiar with the laws of my community, state, and country, and, with the exception of the occasional speeding infraction, follow them to the letter. Anyone claiming to be a Satanist would be mindful to do the same thing, or at the very least, be prepared to accept the consequences of his or her actions, should they be caught in the act, or apprehended after the fact by law enforcement.
So why is it that I receive so many letters and emails crying for my head when I take great joy in the fact that some lawless idiot was beaten by the police within an inch of his life? The answer to this question is spelled out below by High Priest Peter H. Gilmore, in his excellent essay, "Rebels Without Cause," (which can be found in his new book, The Satanic Scriptures:)
"Some newcomers to our philosophy do not grasp its axioms and tear at Satanism as if it were some kind of straightjacket. Others hope to wield it as an “anything goes” card rather than the key to accountable liberty that it is. They observe our list of “sins” and “rules” and don’t grasp that such terms are used with tongue firmly planted in cheek, while simultaneously missing the point that there is an ethical structure to our philosophy—our “third side” which is so elusive to those limited to dualist thinking. These lists are guidelines and tools based on keen observation of human social behavior, not arbitrary regulations or “shalt nots” handed down from “on high” or belched forth from “down below.” Each Satanist is welcome to take ‘em out for a test drive and see how they work. Most of us find them to be both accurate and useful. That’s why we adopt “Satanist” as a proper label for ourselves—Anton LaVey’s philosophy is completely coincident with our personal approach to living.
"What self-styled “Satanists” fail to realize when they find themselves disagreeing with the principles established in the literature of the Church of Satan is that it isn’t Satanism that must change to accommodate their disagreement. They themselves must abandon their improper self-definition. Satanism is codified—a rational and coherent construct. It is not an amorphous ragbag of loose concepts up for grabs to anyone who wants to call himself a Satanist. Yet some wish it were so, and invoke the word “freedom” as an escape clause from culpability. Anton LaVey’s entire purpose for founding the Church of Satan was to create a rational philosophy defining Satanism for the very first time in Western history as an above ground, coherent movement."
Now, there are idiots out there that will read that and claim to completely agree with what it says, not realizing for one split second that the essay is referring to them. They still stand up and applaud "Bravo, Magus Gilmore! I couldn't have said it better myself," and then in the next moment, go on with their lawless behavior without a single thought to what they've just read. The reasons for this, dear friends, are interpretation and understanding.
It's been said hundreds of times that the philosophies and tenets of Satanism are not open to interpretation. They are clear as crystal. The same cannot be said about the law. Laws are, in fact, written in vague, archaic language that is difficult to comprehend even for someone of above-average intelligence and an impressive vocabulary. However, when it comes to the law, there are three basic principles to understand:
1. Laws are WRITTEN by Congress (or whatever legislative body governs your community.)
2. Laws are INTERPRETED by the judiciary.
3. Laws are ENFORCED by the police.
When you are arrested, you are being arrested by the police, or more appropriately, by "law enforcement." It is their job to enforce the laws written by Congress. It is not their job to interpret what is meant by the laws that they are enforcing.
Now, here comes the part most morons who like to behave lawlessly have a hard time with. As stated earlier, it is not the job of law enforcement to interpret law... AND IT'S NOT YOUR JOB EITHER!!!!! You, as a citizen of your community, cannot interpret the laws of your community to suit your needs. Sorry folks, you just can't do it, and any attempt to do it is futile and stupid.
For those of you out there who are having difficulty understanding what I mean, let me use a few examples. How many of you out there know someone, or worse, ARE someone, that's gone to jail / paid a fine / done community service for smoking marijuana in public, or having an amount of marijuana in your possession that has been deemed by the government to be for "personal use?" Did that person try to argue with the cops, saying "It's only a joint, man! Why are you hassling me?! Fucking pig!"
I'm sure that they did (or you did.) And, if you resisted, were you subdued by the arresting officer through the use of grappling holds, or a nightstick, or mace, or a taser? If they (you) were subdued for resisting, then you received everything that you had coming to you... period.
When you're arguing the law with a police officer, you may as well be arguing the law to a brick wall. Neither you, nor the officer has the right to interpret what is meant by a statute. That's for a judge to decide. And when you take your interpretation to the next level, and resist the arresting officer, you are in violation of another law: resisting arrest. And that law is also not open for interpretation at the time of arrest.
Why do these impromptu legal debates ensue? Well, it probably has something to do with the fact that the perpetrator of the offense doesn't agree with the illegality of his or her actions, and because of this, they feel that they have the right to contest the charge right there at the point of arrest. Guess what kiddies... you're wrong! Not only are you wrong, but any action you take as a result of this incorrect thought can, and most likely will, land you in deeper trouble with the authorities. Such actions are, in this humble man's opinion, about as Satanic as a self-inflicted shotgun blast to the scrotum.
So, you don't like a law, eh? Lobby Congress to have it changed. Yes, it's easier said than done, but so is everything worthwhile in life. Remember Anton LaVey's definition of Lesser Magic from The Satanic Bible:
"Non-ritual or manipulative magic, sometimes called "LESSER MAGIC," consists of the wile and guile obtained through various devices and contrived situations, which when utilized, can create "change, in accordance with one's will."
If it means that much to you, you will use all of the legal means necessary to achieve your goals. If it doesn't mean that much to you, then either accept the fact that you cannot engage in your illegal behavior of choice, or accept the consequences of your actions when you get busted. Responsibility to the responsible isn't just a catchphrase, folks. It's part of the Satanic way of life.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
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